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Wine Bottle Crafting

October 5, 2012

With a little creativity and some free-time, Chris and I came up with a great thing to do with our old wine bottles!

Step One: Gather supplies/decide how you want to decorate. We decided to do a combination of ideas from Pinterest.


-Wine Bottles

-Spray Paint Primer

-Spray Paint (Colored)

-Chalkboard Spray Paint

-Glue gun (and glue)


-Painter’s Tape

-Old Newspapers

Step Two: Take off labels by soaking bottles in warm, soapy water.

Step Three: Set up your work area. Since we were spray painting, we decided to work outside. We laid out newspapers and plugged-in the glue gun.

Step Four: Spray Primer on each bottle. We found the best method was going up-and-down instead of side-to-side. The key is to keep the spray paint moving so you don’t get uneven marks or drips.

Step Five: On one of our bottles we decided to “write” with hot glue to give it an embossed look. So we did that after the primer, but before the color:

Step Six: After letting the primer dry, it was time to give the bottles some color! Same process as with the primer, it worked best to spray up-and-down instead of side-to-side.

Step Seven: After letting the paint dry, we taped off the bottles we wanted to spray with chalkboard pant. It was tricky to get a perfectly shaped rectangle, but that added to the character! Also, as careful as we were, we still got a little chalk paint on top of our original color. It didn’t really matter, but if you want to be extra careful, make sure you cover the whole bottle with painter’s tape.

Step Eight: We wrapped each bottle with a different type of twine and with a different look to give each bottle its own character. We used hot glue to secure the ends of the twine.

Now we have three unique bottles that we  can display just for decoration, use as flower vases, etc. It was a great Sunday afternoon project and I had so much fun spending creative, crafting time with my boyfriend! 🙂

From → Crafty

  1. Betsy Duzan permalink

    Very creative! So since you used chalk board paint…can you write on them with chalk?

  2. lilbluefish permalink

    Yes! We have yet to try it, but that’s the idea 🙂

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